Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Seeing as there will be a large amount of us in the exhibition [forty-four I think to be exact] for viewers to reference work, view all artists as a whole, briefly, we the curators felt it a good idea to make a catalogue of artists. Most student exhibitions do have a catalogue process underway and by doing so we will be able to have a piece of text about ourselves, which can inform the exhibition attendees of our practice, who we are and what the work is about. So we’ll be asking students to give in a brief written summery and a small image.
Also in recent news we talked in the same meeting about designing an exhibition poster, a few people are interested, but so far Jonny and Jessie have appeared the most interested in contributing. Obviously with the title we need something that is relevant in it’s aesthetic, and we will need to include detailed information of the exhibition as well as any sponsors etc.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Some things ....

That are on during the next couple of days.
An eclectic mix of art and design events that i shall be attending.

Red and white in which some of my friends are exhibiting their graphic design work.

An example of which can be seen here, by Mr Prentice of Ian.

and here is the facebook event with all details on

Before hand i will be popping into, Fourth Draft, another Graphics and Illustration exhibition.
I cannot seem to find the event on Facebook however, it is running 6-8 in the Marrion Centre market.

And at some point or another i will be popping over to PSL for the new exhibition, preferably a non University day as it shuts pretty early.
Anyway here's the information, it looks fairly interesting, and i'm interested to see the lomo, original war photography.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Even though we have come up with an exhibition name, we have no exhibition theme, in a recent meeting I attended Emily mentioned something about Prickly space etc, and in a later meeting I missed it had been confirmed that this would be the theme we would be going with.
The idea behind these spaces comes from an Angeleno geographer named Steven Flusty. Flusty proposes characterristics in spaces that make them uncomfortable for the public and there are five different types being:
-stealthy spaces “cannot be found”
- slippery spaces “cannot be reached”
- crusty spaces “cannot be accessed”
- prickly spaces “cannot be occupied comfortably”
- jittery spaces “cannot be utilized unobserved”
I’m not sure what we’re going for with this, not even sure I completely get how this will work, but we won’t be able to use all of the space ideas as we don’t have a full five spaces and so will be choosing a couple

Saturday, 20 March 2010

The Space
Our prospective exhibition space for May is Leeds Shopping Plaza.
Placed in the city centre the shopping plaza has a number of units available which have been taken over by the group Art In unusual spaces.
Due to Arts council funding we have managed to get the spaces for free, I think there’re going to be a couple but as I missed the visiting date I didn’t get to see them. However we have to raise further funds for decorating the space, making it more ‘Gallery’ like at least. Some of it’s a little run down and messy apparently as of course it was once used for retail. I have heard of such a concept occurring recently in terms of exhibition spaces, but I am obviously quite curious how our work will appear in such surroundings.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Exhibition name

Trying to think of a theme for the exhibition has been difficult, there is such an array of practices within our group of artists that you simply cannot nail one theme, we have therefore chosen a name, a concept that comes alongside rather than it being something that effects the work. We have considered lost property as the name, as it fits with the idea of consumerist areas such as shops, where we find and loose things. By choosing this we have no desire to attempt to make the space completely perfect and gallery like, rather we work with what we have and in fact perhaps accentuate certain aspects.